Open Doors WSNCC Article

Open Doors at the WSNCC

On Saturday, September 28th, West Scarborough Neighbourhood Community Centre is opening its doors to welcome all members of our community, supporters, funders and program participants.  

Events begin at 10:00 am with both self-guided and staff-guided building tours. Program staff are available to answer any questions about registration, programming and administration. Kids fun, including our famous bouncy castle, will continue all day with demonstrations and play!  For the adults, our WS Market will be open for business and may include additional local vendors. In honour of Truth & Reconciliation Day, Sweet Pea Events Indigenous performers will enchant us with song and story from 11:00 – 11:45 am.  This is a unique opportunity not to be missed!

Free lunch!  Halal hot dogs, generously provided by Maple Lodge Farms, and corn on the cob are available – free of charge.  Should you wish to satisfy your sweet tooth, our Seniors Program will hold a bake sale.  All proceeds turn back to support WSNCC. Afternoon events begin at 12:45 pm with Volunteer Recognition and Guest Speaker who will present our outstanding volunteer Beacon Award 2024.

Don’t forget to purchase your WestJet tickets when you arrive!  The draw will take place approx. 1:15 pm.  Tickets are $5 each, giving you a chance to win:

1st Prize - A roundtrip ticket voucher for 2 people to travel anywhere WestJet flies on a regularly scheduled flight! 

2nd Prize - A BBQ and backyard seating set. 

3rd Prize - A $500 Cadillac Fairview gift card.

We hope to see you there – rain or shine!

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